24 March 2011

Spring has sprung

OK, I admit it, I goofed!!!!!  I had originally planned to enter this card in to multiple competitions, a first for yours truly - have been a "one at a time" girl up til now!  But, yep you've guessed it - this multi-tasking Mum missed the deadlines so I'm down to 3!

Here is my entry for:
Magnolia Stamp Lovers: Die cuts
Magnolia-licious Highlites: Full size Magnolia Spring themed card
Just Magnolia - Favorite Color combo

Image: Magnolia - Circus Tilda, Magnolia - Spring Fence
Paper: BasicGrey - Eskimo Kisses, V&A Hanovarian Linen
Colouring: Copics, Chalk ink, Prismacolor
Additional: Martha Stewart Punch, Fiskars Hand punches, Cottage Cutz Daffodils, Nestabilities, Sewing Machine, Ribbon from stash

Do I confess to the fact this is was the second image?  Oh, what the heck, yep, "Calamity Jane" struck again - I carefully made my mask of Tilda and it wasn't until I'd placed the Fence stamp down on the card that I realised I hadn't adhered the mask over the top of my Tilda image!  Note to oneself to pay more attention. 

What do you think to the daffodils? It's been an age since I got my fingers inky colouring die cuts & I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of making them look 3D.  

Copics list - after all the mishaps I did manage to remember to take a piccy!!!

Well, the deadline for one of the competitions is looming as I type, so if I don't want to miss out on yet another one I'd better cut this short & get posting!  Good luck to everyone entering.

Happy Crafting


Dorcas said...

Wow! Gorgeous card Jane! And I don't even like Tildas. Shhhh.. I know, its dangerous to say that in Blogland. lol
Lovely petite papers and such lovely soft colors. Nice one, Jane!

Jane said...

Oh Dorcas - you're not alone - my husband hates them!! He says they resemble "Cows"!! I do like them although the lack of facial features did take a bit of getting used to!!!

Househund said...

Jane the colouring on that card if STUNNING
and of course being welsh.. I fully approve of the daffodils
A definate WINNER!

Barb F said...

This is a very pretty card and your coloring is just wonderful!!

Dawn said...

Jane, I have an award for you! Please go over to my blog and get your award! www.alwayscrafting.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card!!! I just love those card design and the background paper. she is looking cute. Those flowers are really nice. Thanks for this great post. Joomla outsourcing